Saturday 27th June | Nicholas Nelson


Psalm 68

Judges 7

Luke 14:25-end


Sometimes it is difficult to understand why the Bible is spattered with chapters asking God to obliterate enemies of the Israelites. Or why they canonise the story of Gideon, where they won the battle with such long odds. From our 2020 eyes, all the violence can seem a bit unnecessary and harsh.  And it was.

But to put it into perspective, Israel was a small nation, with enemies all around, in a time where war was a constant threat.  It is understandable that the prayers that would be more about fighting and ultimately victory over the threats all around.

This is quite a contrast to the general population of the UK.  Even in the odd  year that is 2020,  we are obscenely blessed.  We have been living in the heavenly abundance of blessing and power for hundreds of years.  This can be a wonderful thing and I am thankful to live here.  But this has changed our perspective on prayer more than anything else.  Our prayers now are not for God to smite our enemies, but for our kids to get into decent schools and that our car won’t break down, or that we will have the courage to talk to our neighbour about Jesus.  (It’s not like our neighbour has an actual sword or anything).

That said, there are those in Newcastle that are living as an oppressed people.  BAME inhabitants often have a completely different view of the city, the police and what their future can be.  This must be pointed out right now to highlight the vast difference in lived experience….I want to hear their perspective on prayer more, out loud in the Christian community. I want to understand their prayers, story and context in this city.  I want to pray with and walk the road (as much as I can) with BAME members of the community.

If we listen, contend with, and honour others, we will be a true community.


Choose a section of Psalm 68 and pray through each verse.


Lord, you have taught us 

That all our doings without love are nothing worth:

Send your Holy Spirit

And pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love,

The true bond of peace and all virtues,

Without which whoever lives is counted dead before you. 

Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Sunday 28th June | Rachel Charter


Friday 26th June | Peter Spencer