Tuesday 28th April | Joel Barwick
In Exodus 10:1-21 it tells the story of God bringing Pharoah to repentance from his disobedience. All of us are disobedient to God in many ways, some of which we’re aware of, some we are totally blind to. It’s a weird moment when you realize that you’ve been doing something wrong for a long time, that you never realised was wrong. It's a feeling of embarrassment and disbelief. We all experience it from time to time.
Due to a recent change in circumstances I’ve had one of these realisations. I’ve realised that I fill my time with lots and lots of things - I always want to be doing something and I hate sitting still! I’ve discovered the reason for this is to distract my mind from confronting more pressing issues that are going on. But during lockdown, due to the lack of distractions, I haven’t been burying things but instead I’ve been addressing them, which has been much more healthy! I think that this time of lockdown will bring things to the surface in every person. We have a choice to make when this happens. Either we run from it or we repent for it.
This time is challenging and in many ways I’ve found it more testing than anything else, but in Psalm 100 it says how God’s faithfulness continues through all generations. I’m thankful to God for continuing to be faithful to me as he shapes me to look more like him.
My question to you is, in what way are you being called to repentance?
Lord, thank you for your faithfulness to me. In the midst of this challenging time I pray that you will help us to address the things you bring to the surface in us. I thank you for making us look more like you. Holy Spirit I pray you will comfort us through the challenges that we’re facing. We love you Jesus. Amen.
Almighty Father,
Who in your great mercy gladdened the disciples
With the sight of the risen Lord:
Give us such knowledge of his presence with us,
That we may be strengthened and
Sustained by his risen life
And serve you continually in righteousness and truth;
Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.