Monday 27th April | Pete Johnson
I wonder how you feel when you read passages like today’s Exodus and Psalms and hear of God’s awe-inspiring, mountain-shaking, tremble-inducing holiness. If I’m honest I sometimes feel a tad uncomfortable. We might wonder: ‘How does this match up with the God of grace?’
Psalm 96 and 97 invite us to come behold and rejoice in this God and forsaking all rivals for our hearts, to worship him alone. The Psalmist speaking of God on His throne and coming in future judgement (Ps. 96:13, 97:1-5) - perhaps had in mind the incredible sight that Exodus 19 describes - when the awesome presence of God descended on Mount Sinai to make His covenant with Israel.
Exodus 19 shows unquestionably our God is one of holiness and splendour - yet He is one of grace.
Remember all God has already done in Exodus - He has saved them, ‘carried them on eagles wings’ (Ex. 19:4) - because of his grace and kindness - before they had done anything to deserve it! But he has rescued them for relationship. And this comes with an invitation to joyful obedience - would we expect anything less from a loving, holy God?
Yet you and I know, like Israel we are unable to ‘fully obey’ God - and so praise God that he did not leave us helpless to meet him when He comes in judgement - but first comes after us in grace in Jesus as this introduction to Luke’s gospel tells us.
Luke introduces this beautiful account of good news that you and I might ‘have certainty’ in who Jesus is and therefore certain hope in Him and His offer of grace.
This certainty that Jesus has come assures us that he will keep his promise to come again; he will judge, right all wrongs and put an end to all the pain in this world. Praise God on that day we will meet him and rejoice as those who are righteous by his grace (Ps. 97:12).
Let’s use this season God has given us to rejoice in Him, and proclaim his salvation (Ps. 96: 2) to those around us as we invite them to come and find grace in Jesus.
Father God, thank you that because of your outrageous grace to us - we can call the King of the Universe, Father. Please help us in all the distractions of this time to never to forget this privilege and to draw near to you and walk in intimacy with you as your treasured possession. Thank you Jesus that we are safe in you and can have a certain hope in all of your promises. Holy Spirit, please work powerfully in us so that in this season we might rejoice in you and proclaim your salvation and wonderful grace to all around us.
Almighty Father,
Who in your great mercy gladdened the disciples
With the sight of the risen Lord:
Give us such knowledge of his presence with us,
That we may be strengthened and
Sustained by his risen life
And serve you continually in righteousness and truth;
Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.