Saturday 28th March | Alice Wilkinson
The first half of this Psalm describes the guilt and shame which David is experiencing as a result of his sin. In his reluctance to admit this sin to God, he feels burdened, weight down, and weak. But the moment that David speaks his sin to God, the moment he “confesses his transgressions”, he feels relief. He experiences forgiveness as the darkness of sin is brought into the light of God. The liberation of forgiveness starts with honesty, and blessed are those in the world who not only know they need to be deeply forgiven, but have experienced it.
The second half of this Psalm, verses 6-10, reminds us that God has called us not only into forgiveness, but also to go beyond forgiveness, and into a real relationship with Him. It’s easy to live as we should only because we ‘have to’, out of self-interest - because there are consequences that keep us on that path. To live like that is to heed God like a mule, controlled only by bit and bridle. Rather, we should obey God because we want to, out of love for Him, who counsels us personally through His Word and through prayer. Sometimes, God allows a season of ‘mighty waters’ to be a sort of bit and bridle which help direct us back to him and shows us that we need his friendship and love above all else.
The final verse of the Psalm tells us to be glad in the Lord, rejoice, and sing for joy. Often in times of uncertainty and change, that’s easier said than done. Exodus 7:8-25 tells the story of the first plague in Egypt, when the water of the Nile was turned to blood. Chaos ensued. Not only for the Egyptians, but also for God’s own people. The passage tells us that the water stank and was undrinkable, which means that all who lived in the land were suddenly without their source of water. That which they knew and relied upon had been taken away from them. But God’s people trusted Him. They had faith that He would deliver them from the uncertainty and the battles which they were facing. And, as we see in Exodus 14, they were indeed delivered. We are called to live by faith during this time of uncertainty. But we are not alone in that. Hebrews 11:1-16 tells us the stories of the Old Testament, of the people of God who lived by faith in the chaos of their own lives, and who saw deepened relationships with God because of the trust and the hope that they clung on to. We are joining in with the stories of old. And in that faith, through the hope that we have in Jesus Christ, we can be glad in the Lord, we can rejoice, and we can sing for joy.
Father, thank you that in confessing my sin to you, I am offered complete forgiveness. Give me the blessedness and release of knowing that I am completely, absolutely, freely forgiven through Jesus. Thank you that the light has pierced the darkness. Give me the courage and the strength to go out during this time of global chaos to bring your light to the darkest places, through kindness, love, and compassion.
Lord, I don't want to confess my sin only out of compulsion, or fear of consequences. I want to look at the costly love of Jesus until I am sorry not just for the consequences of this sin but for the sin itself, and for how it grieves you. Only then will it lose its power over me. And Lord in this season of mighty waters, would you teach me, and draw me closer to you. Whether that be through unexpected rest, through serving others, through more time in your Word, or through a change in environment, I pray that I would be attentive to your voice, and responsive to your call.
Lord thank you that in times of chaos and uncertainty, we can look to your Word, to stories which tell of the way that you deliver and rescue your people. Thank you that even in this new lifestyle which we find ourselves in, we can cling to the faith which we have in Jesus, who has won for us an eternal victory. Thank you that in Him, we are able to find hope, and to find peace. Help us to rejoice, and to sing for joy, that we may be your salt and light on the Earth in this time of global unrest. In your name we pray, Amen.
Merciful Lord,
Absolve your people from their offenses,
That through your bountiful goodness
We may all be delivered from the chains of those sins
Which by our frailty we have committed;
Grant this, heavenly Father,
For Jesus Christ’s sake, our blessed Lord and Saviour,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and forever.