Sunday 29th March | Will Johnson


Psalm 86

Jeremiah 31:27-37

John 12:20-33


In the bible readings for today, there are many characters who we can learn from and whose actions we can imitate to help us through this season.

We should be like David in Psalm 86 who is honest with God about the situation he is in. He is being earnest in his request. But he also reminds himself of God’s faithfulness and love for him. He says he knows that God will answer him.

We should be like the Greeks in John 12 whose wish is to see Jesus. They have heard the stories about him and they want to know more. Spurgeon says that their desire is to know the person beyond the miracles. We should be drawing close to Jesus’ presence in this time.

We should be like Philip and Andrew who take every opportunity to lead and point people to Jesus. More than ever in this time people will be asking questions about faith and who God is and we have the call to tell people of his character and his mercy.

We should be like Jesus. In this passage he is about to endure the cross, the greatest of human suffering, and he simply says that the Father’s name will be glorified. In this time of hardship and suffering there is much sorrow and rightly so – plans are not coming to fruition in the way that we had foreseen and many of us are distant from our loved ones. But through it all, the Father’s name will be glorified.


Father, help us to be like David. Help us to be honest with you in this season. We remind ourselves that you are loving, compassionate and faithful to answer our prayers.

Jesus, we wish to encounter your presence. We desire to see you just as the Greeks did. And help us to lead others to your presence too. That we would be bold and courageous during this time.

Holy Spirit, help us to be like Jesus. However we are feeling this day we choose to be obedient to you.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, glorify your name!


Most merciful God,

Who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ

Delivered and saved the world:

Grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross

We may triumph in the power of his victory;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and forever.


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Monday 30th March | Nick Lewis-Barned


Saturday 28th March | Alice Wilkinson