Monday 29th June | Emma Sear


Psalm 71

Psalm 113

Isaiah 49:1-6

Acts 11:1-18


From the beginning of time God’s heart was for all nations and all people groups to be saved. We can see this written throughout the Old Testament, particularly the Psalms – “the Lord is exalted over all the nations” (Psalm 113:4). The foreshadowing in Isaiah of a man who will be a “light for the Gentiles” as well as for Israel would come as a potentially controversial message to Israel who have been told up until this point that the way to God is through circumcision and following of the Jewish Law. Even Peter, who would have been acquainted with the prophecies in Isaiah and the Psalms, did not initially believe the Gentiles could receive salvation. Only when God opened up his eyes to not discount anyone from the Kingdom of God just because of who he deemed unworthy or not “clean” enough did Peter realise God’s heart for salvation was for all people. And as Peter puts it: “who was I to think that I could oppose God.”

All too often do we as Christians silently and sometimes unknowingly discount people from knowing God, before we even start praying for them. It can be easy to pick and choose who we share Jesus with based on our own ideas on their lives or what they would and would not be interested in. We all know someone who we deem to be the last person on earth who would ever be interested in faith. But what if we actually acted as if the God who longs for ALL people to be in relationship with Him could move on behalf of someone who seems so far off that we don’t even try to pray? How would that change our prayer life? How would that change who you prayed for or shared the gospel with? Don’t call unclean what God has made clean. Don’t call someone unworthy of salvation who God, through dying on the cross, has made worthy. No matter the race, religion or background, God wants us all. He wants us to share Himself with all, so that no one may be left behind. Let’s not forget the great commission of Jesus to “make disciples of all nations.”



I pray that you would open up our eyes to see you rightly. That we would see you as the all-powerful, miracle-working God who loves the people on this earth as your children. Thank you that we can all be reconciled to you and adopted into your Kingdom, no matter where we come from or what we may have done. I pray that you would help us not put boundaries between others and you. That we wouldn’t choose who to share you with by how likely we deem it that they will find you. Lead us to pray for everyone you are calling towards yourself. Please increase our faith as we pray for those around us to know you, faith that you can actually do it, no matter how far they seem. Father I pray we would see a revival sparked from this year after everything that has gone on and through the sheer volume of prayers being made at this time. Give us faith to believe and pray.

In Jesus’ name,



Almighty God,

Whose blessed apostles Peter and Paul 

Glorified you in their death as in their life:

Grant that your church, inspired by their teaching and example,

And made on by your Spirit,

May ever stand firm upon the one foundation,

Jesus Chris your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Tuesday 30th June | Olivia Clarke


Sunday 28th June | Rachel Charter