Tuesday 30th June | Olivia Clarke
I find Psalm 73 is quite easy to relate to – the psalmist here is making the comparison between living for God and being under his law, and not living for God. He seems to be asking the question “is it actually worth it?” as he says he envied those who don’t follow God for their success, wealth and seemingly free lifestyles claiming ‘they are free from human burdens’. Whereas the life he lives is under God and brings him ‘new punishments every morning’, as he tries to lead a pure life. I’m sure we’d all relate that living God’s way can be so hard and sometimes we can really question whether it is going to reap as much as it takes to sow! But as he comes to God with these doubts and comparisons, they are exposed as empty and full of lies. He’s reminded of eternity rather than just the ‘here and now’ as God reminds him a life under anything or anyone but God ultimately leads to death and this time of struggle is only momentary in the light of eternity. We forget again and again it is not in vain that we live against the norm in the world but deciding to run to God with our doubts we will always be reminded of his goodness and worthiness of our praise. We can choose to be lord over our own lives and live by our own set of rules but like Abimelech in Judges 9, we are just unsuitable and fall so short. He is likened to a bramble in verse 15, and this verse stands out to me “Since the nearer and closer he comes to it, the more he will be scratched and torn by it” – we are like brambles and the more we rely on ourselves to guide us and protect and lead us, the more we will suffer because we were made to live God’s way and living for ourselves only leads us away from God. The prodigal Son is a testament of how even when we turn to ourselves as god of our lives and the ultimate authority, there’s endless grace from the Father when we turn back to him as Lord of our lives, he fully forgives and welcomes us back in.
Father, you are worthy of our praise.
Thank you for reminding us of your goodness and life when we forget it. I pray you would teach our hearts what it is for you to be Lord of our whole lives and help us truly realise how worthy you are of that place in our hearts.
We’re sorry when we’ve not put you first and instead lived for ourselves, please draw us back to you and may we rely on you for everything.
In your strength Lord, we want to live for you.
Thank you for your grace and love as we do this and that we always only do it in your strength.
Almighty God,
You have broken the tyranny of sin
And have sent the Spirit of your Son into our hearts
Whereby we call you Father:
Give us grace to dedicate our freedom to your service,
That we and all creation may be brought
To the glorious liberty of the children of God;
Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
Who is alive and reigns with you,
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.