Thursday 2nd July | Emma Croft


Psalm 78:1-39

Judges 11:1-11

Luke 16:19-end


The passages focus on the expression of God as a gracious Father. If we know that our God is one who has what is best for us why do we so often believe our ways are best, making our own decisions out of step with the one who loves us.  When turning to Luke 16:19 it is obvious the person whose life is more desirable, no part of us wants to join Lazarus in his suffering but ultimately as followers of Christ, that is what we are called to. Society teaches us at a young age what priorities we should have and often our security in money, jobs, achievements leaves no place for God to care for us. Jesus is teaching us to reconsider what is desirable… maybe having a flashy car, kids and a house with a big garden isn’t necessarily fullness of life. Lazarus suffered a great deal but was held by the person of Jesus, he shared his life with his Father in Heaven and got the ultimate treasure which is eternity with Him.

Again Judges 11 creates this predicament, Jephthah is born into a family where he is the outcast, set back and inhibited behind his brothers due to his mother being a prostitute. From our worldly perspective his life is undesirable; forced to flee from his home and caught up in the wrong crowd, it seems far away from God’s love. However, his life of brokenness allows God to divinely intervene, Jephthah is chosen to lead an army and his learnt faithfulness and reliance on God allows him to step into an inheritance far greater than that of his rejecting family. He becomes a mighty warrior led by God. I believe that we often rule ourselves out from the greatness God has for us because our situations don’t seem very favourable in the moment. But learning to trust the goodness of our Father, allows us to step into the identity God created us for.

The story of Jephthah shows us that it doesn’t matter who we are or how far we run; we can never be out of reach from God’s faithfulness and grace. In His strength not our own, we can be brought close and inherit His royal position. We see this similar pattern in Psalm 78; time and time again the people of God turned away to a life of sin and distance from the ways of the Father. This Psalm presents how broken we are generation after generation, falling back into the trap of believing our ways are best. Patterns of following God and seeing his mighty provision in miraculous ways, partnered with times of distance and rejection of God looks a lot like our own relationships with the Father. The beauty is that after this time came Jesus, who brought us into right relationship with the Father. I think we are to learn that despite the times of mountains and valleys, times of mistakes and success, we can be led by faith knowing a God who is always close and always good.


Heavenly Father,

Help us to let go of what the world tells us is successful and trust that your plan for us is more than we could ever create by ourselves. I pray that when we feel like Lazarus we would trust your higher perspective for our lives and remember that you are always good to your children. I pray that we would seek your presence as the most important thing in our lives rather than things that you can do for us. May we see your gifts as an outpouring of your grace and love rather than things we can gain for our own selfish ways.

Heavenly Father, build your kingdom in me first so that as children of you and citizens of heaven we would seek first your kingdom and righteousness in this world. Thank you for all you give me which I don’t deserve. When I walk away and live life apart from you, you call me back with open arms… always. I am sorry for when I think my ways are better or my fulfilment is worth more than a life of worship for your glory. Help me to look more like you Jesus, and to walk in suffering and joy with you for all eternity.

We surrender our lives to your will and pray you would help us fix our eyes on you. Holy Spirit come.



Almighty God, 

You have broken the tyranny of sin 

And have sent the Spirit of your Son into our hearts

Whereby we call you Father:

Give us grace to dedicate our freedom to your service,

That we and all creation may be brought

To the glorious liberty of the children of God;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Friday 3rd July | Zara Tipples


Wednesday 1st July | Will Johnson