Friday 3rd July | Zara Tipples


Psalm 92

Psalm 146

2 Samuel 15:17-21

John 11:1-16


Psalm 146 calls us to put our hope and trust in the Lord, who delivers on his promises and plans for us. Let’s recognise the times where we find ourselves putting this trust in powerful people, who will inevitably disappoint us. Verse 5 says ‘Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob’. This is a help that is everlasting, reliable and complete. He upholds the oppressed, gives food to the hungry, and sets prisoners free (verse 7). He is a God of justice, care and compassion. As his ambassadors on earth, how are we living in this image? How do we stand up for, and give our resources to, the oppressed communities we see in our world?

Martha and Mary have been in Jesus’s presence and know he is a miraculous healer. They turn to him in what seems like an impossible situation, trusting that he has the authority to heal their brother. When I feel hopeless in a situation, I sometimes hesitate to ask God for help, forgetting about these times in scripture where God reveals his grace, or times in my own life where he has turned around my ‘impossible’ problems. We should follow the example of Mary and Martha, and come before the Lord with these prayers, trusting in his authority and his faithfulness. He will meet our needs according to his perfect timing.


Father God,

Thank you that you are so faithful to us and your promises. Thank you that you are a just and compassionate God, who fights for the needy and encourages us to stand up against injustices in the world.

Thank you that you are always there in our suffering and have the power to work those situations for your good. We hand over to you the situations in our lives that feel impossible.

May we trust in your heavenly power, and patiently await your timing.



Almighty and eternal God,

Who, for the firmer foundation of our faith,

Allowed your apostle Thomas to doubt the resurrection of your Son,

Til word and sight convince him:

Grant to us, who have not seen, that we also may believe

And so confess Christ as our Lord and our God;

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Saturday 4th July | Will Brockman


Thursday 2nd July | Emma Croft