Tuesday 2nd June | Ben Le Dune


Psalm 132

Psalm 133

Joshua 2

Luke 9:28-36


It’s clear from these passages that God is desperate to reveal his love to the world. In Psalm 123, King David’s relationship with God was so strong that he earnestly desired to dwell in His presence. We become aware of God’s love for us and for the world when we worship him. In Psalm 133 God delights when we worship together in community. Over the last few months, many of us have found it difficult not being able to worship together in our usual way. But like the story in Joshua of the spies seeking out new land for God’s people, it’s been encouraging to see the effect online Church has had in helping us to find new audiences interested in the Gospel that wouldn’t traditionally go to Church.

In Luke 9, God urges His disciples to listen to Jesus for he is one who will redeem the world. This message has never been more urgent. As the Church we must rise to the challenge of reaching those who need to know God’s love. Online Church has demonstrated that we can be creative in the way we communicate the Gospel, but it is surely only the beginning.


Dear Jesus,

Thank you for your love for me and for the world. Help me to set time for us to spend time enjoying each other’s company. Holy Spirit take me by the hand and lead me to those who need your love the most. Help me to love people the way that you love them. Give me fresh ideas for communicating your gospel powerfully. May I put into practice the words and actions of Jesus all the days of my life.



Oh Lord, from whom all good things come:

Grant to us your humble servants,

That by your holy inspiration

We may think those things that are good,

And by your merciful guiding may perform the same;

Through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Who is alive and reigns with you.

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Wednesday 3rd June | Phil Harding


Monday 1st June | Alicia Barwick