Monday 4th May | Ryan Lee


Psalm 103

Exodus 32:1-14

Luke 2:41-52


We are flawed, sinful beings. We've all had a past of some sort when we've done regretful things.

Everyone in existence worships something, be it money, relationships, just like how Aaron worshipped the lifeless gold calf (Ex.32) that brings nothing but short-lived euphoria if they were to sell it for gold. Whatever we idolise, it becomes our God. But let us remind ourselves who the true God is. Jesus is slow to anger, forgiving, and not making us accountable for our sins (v8-10, Ps. 103). This is because He knows that we are from dust that is incapable of anything, and without His grace and breath, we would perish. How loving is He! Bless the Lord, from our hearts (v1, Ps. 103) not from works just for public display.

Some may feel lonely and not loved by those around them. When we slow down, we will notice that God is continually showing a glimpse of His love for us through our brothers and sisters around us, exemplified through our human father's love for his children (v13, Ps. 103). Also, Christ displayed love and respect for humanity by humbly listening and learning from teachers at the temple despite his omniscience (Lk 2:46). Therefore, we shall respond by caring for everyone with patience and an open heart.

We are like vulnerable flowers (v15, Ps. 103). Hence let us forever worship him and put Him first in our lives by always extending our roots deep into the soil to absorb the living water of Christ for unshakable faith in Him and His promises.



Thank you for teaching us what it means to have unconditional love for one another on the cross. We praise you Lord for guiding us back on track when we’ve gone astray without us having to bear any consequences because of your everlasting grace. Today we pray that you would diminish our egos and renew us to be more-Christ like and to be obedient children of yours. Also, please give us the energy to continue worshipping you and trusting you even if we are facing the toughest challenges during this season. We rest assured that you are always in us to comfort and teach us.  Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within us, bless your holy name!

In Jesus’ name,



Merciful God,

Who, when your Church on earth was torn apart by the ravages of sin,

Raised up men and women in this land

Who witnessed to their faith with courage and constancy:

Give to your Church that peace which is your will,

And grant that those who have been divided on earth 

May be reconciled in heaven

And share together in the vision of your glory;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Tuesday 5th May | Matthew Porter


Sunday 3rd May | Katie Budd