Tuesday 5th May | Matthew Porter
The God we worship and adore is closer than we think. As Psalm 139 says so beautifully: even ‘if I go up to the heavens or down into the depths… you are there.’ This has always been so, with God intricately involved from the moment we were conceived, ‘knitting us together in our mothers’ womb.’ In these locked-down coronavirus days, this is wonderful news! The Lord sees, knows and understands absolutely everything and is with us, even in difficult times.
So there’s no reason to be anything but honest with God about our lives, including the wrong we think, say or do. Like the Psalmist we can say: ‘test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me.’ God’s desire is always to forgive and restore.
Moses knew this. Even when the Israelites messed up so badly under Aaron’s weak leadership by worshipping false gods, Moses in Exodus 32 took charge, praying for forgiveness.
John the Baptist recognised this too, calling people in Luke 3 to get baptised ‘for the forgiveness of their sins.’
‘Forgiveness’ says Nicky Gumbel ‘is our greatest human need.’ That’s why our all-seeing God sent Jesus to die and rise again - to purchase our shame and liberate us to live a joyful and purposeful life. How amazing Christ is! And what incredibly good news we have to share.
Almighty God,
in these stay-at-home, locked-down days,
I thank you that I am never alone, for you are close and near.
I thank you that you are a good Father, who made me to love me.
I thank you for Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for me.
I thank you for the Holy Spirit, who heals and empowers me.
I give you my sin and selfishness, and ask you to cleanse me.
I give you my heart, and ask you to strengthen me.
I give you my mouth, and ask you to speak from me.
I give you my hands, and ask you to work through me.
This I pray not just for myself, but for all your people,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Almighty God,
Whose Son Jesus Christ is the
Resurrection and the life:
Raise us, who trust in him,
From the death of sin to the life of righteousness
That we may seek those things which are above,
Where he reigns with you
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.