Wednesday 6th May | Emma Sear
In Exodus 33 we see Moses put in a dilemma. A dilemma in which his response should challenge us to question whether we would do the same. God offers him the promised land here and now. The very thing Moses has been leading the Israelites to, the very thing God had promised to Israel since the time of Abraham, and what Moses had likely been dreaming of up until this moment. However, this invitation to reach the promised land excluded the presence of God. God would not go with them. Moses’s response both challenges and encourages me greatly: “if your presence does not go with us, do not send us from this place.” In this moment Moses made the decision that God’s presence was far more valuable than the offer of an easier life, having everything he ever wanted; being in the wilderness with God outweighed by far the idea of being in the promised land without God. The safest and most desirable place to be is with Him, no matter our circumstances or the things the world may offer us, because with Him, we lack nothing (Deut 2:7; Psalm 23: 1). Does this mean God’s promises aren’t good and won’t be fulfilled, or even that we shouldn’t desire them at all? Of course not. But let us not have our eyes so firmly fixed on the promises, carrying the risk of idolatry, but rather on the One who made them. He will bring His promises to fruition. God honoured the promise made to the Israelites and after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, He went with them into the promised land.
Years later we see God’s ultimate promise to the world – the promise of salvation – being fulfilled in the person of Jesus. Israel waited expectantly and patiently for hundreds of years, awaiting the promise God had been setting in motion since the beginning of time. Here, in Luke 3, the Father publicly exclaims over His son, in the presence of the Holy Spirit, His love and pleasure of Him. And thanks to the most outrageous act of grace and humility the world has ever seen, He exclaims that over us too.
Thank you that you are the promise keeper, thank you that you are so worth trusting and putting our hope in, and so worth laying down our own will and wants for, knowing that you are so much better. Please help us to keep our gaze upon you.
I pray that we would know and trust that you know what you’re doing, you’re in control, and that your presence is better than anything else we could receive or want on this earth.
I pray that we would know that you can do anything – you’re not limited by a pandemic or imperfect people. You’re unstoppable. Let us pray as if that’s as true as it is. Increase our faith for you, increase our expectancy to see you move in our lives, in our nation and in our world. Open up our eyes to see where you’re moving and allow us to hear your still small voice.
God we praise you, you are just so good.
Almighty God,
Whose Son Jesus Christ is the
Resurrection and the life:
Raise us, who trust in him,
From the death of sin to the life of righteousness
That we may seek those things which are above,
Where he reigns with you
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.