Thursday 7th May | Abi Nelson
I love this psalm. I’ve read it in times past and swiftly forgotten its words, wrongly parking it in the category of ‘more thankful christian rhetoric, etc. etc’. One of the pitfalls of growing up in the church I suppose… Take some for granted… take some on board… leave some behind because it probably doesn’t apply to me…
Revisiting my childhood pitstops as an adult – as completely different human is turning out to be stunning process. No longer is it too familiar - but instead, so challenging and inquisitive that I get as far as verse 1 before the questions start racing round my limited mind.
Do we really understand the goodness of God? How much of the world around us displays the inherent goodness of God even though it does not yet consciously know Him? Can we really understand Love that endures? This Love that both comes from God and IS God. A burning and robust Love. It doesn’t change. IT NEVER CHANGES!
The many versions of this verse using, mercy & love almost interchangeably. Goodness, Mercy & Love may or may not be the same but they are all God & God IS Good.
David’s journey was a rocky one to say the least (the performance driven childish me wondered how he made it into the bible!) But one thing is clear, David inherently connected with Gods goodness. He knew in the core of his being that despite his own issues, GOD LOVED him… GOD WANTED him. I believe this poses the ultimate identity challenge: David understood who he was to God & who God was to Him. Who am I to God? Who is God to me? Am I confident in His goodness towards me?
Dwell on this over the next fortnight.
Verses 15-24 reveal even more of Christ! There is so much to explore! His coming, His sacrifice, His solidarity, His authority, His aboveness (is that even a word?) It astounds me that Gods goodness and enduring love is so prominent throughout the bible and time itself that they are ACTIVE in David’s present whilst proffering the future – the Gateway - JESUS. JESUS – The Word – Existing before time - The beginning and The end. I Love Him.
Father God, Thank you for everything. Thank you for all the good we know to be true, all the good we have encountered and all the good we are yet to see. We love you because you first loved us. Help us understand you, your goodness, love and all that you have poured in to us – your creation. I am not perfect, I can not do life without you, I want to know more. At all times, help me look for you.
In Jesus Name,
Almighty God,
Whose Son Jesus Christ is the
Resurrection and the life:
Raise us, who trust in him,
From the death of sin to the life of righteousness
That we may seek those things which are above,
Where he reigns with you
In the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, now and for ever.