Monday 6th July | Anna Rowlands


Psalm 80

Psalm 82

Judges 13:1-24

Luke 17:20-end


Psalm 80 is a beautiful reminder of God’s nature; we see God presented as a shepherd, the holy one and the mighty one with power to save. The plea for God’s face to shine echoes the blessing from Numbers and reminds us that God’s presence shines in darkness and casts out fear.

In verse 12 we see the Psalmist’s anger and confusion. But his response is still to call out to God- ‘return to us, Lord Almighty!’. A recent Tim Keller podcast highlighted that when Job is doubting God and angry with him, he does it in prayer- he still seeks God. When we struggle with the magnitude of suffering we see, let us, with our pain and doubt continue to seek God and his heart. Clinging to God in uncertainty is echoed in the passage from Judges- Manoah and his wife ask about the future of their son’s life. God only reminds of them of his earlier commands, and whilst they don’t know the answer they continue in obedience. Further, in the Luke passage we are reminded to pursue Jesus above all else when He returns. In short, we are invited to come to God with our doubts, but to continue pursuing Him.

Psalm 82 depicts God as the one true judge. The judges on earth, who we make ‘gods’ are guilty of showing partiality to the wicked. God’s kindness is indicated as he calls for the deliverance of the needy. Injustice is rife in this world, and we should be as offended by it as God is. I felt challenged to ask God what he wants me to do in situations of injustice around me- to aim for compassion, rather than just sympathy.


Heavenly Father,

Thank you that you are at once our loving shepherd, the holy and righteous judge and the one with the power to restore and save. By your Holy Spirit help us to know each of these aspects of your divine character.

Lord, thank you that we are invited to bring our questions and doubts to you in prayer. Thank you that when we cling to you, your presence is constant and brings comfort.

Father help us to be as broken hearted by injustice and suffering as you are. Convict us to act in any ways we can and to see people and situations with your eyes, knowing that you are truly righteous and just. In all of this may we become more like you.



O God, the protector of all who trust in you,

Without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy:

Increase and multiply upon us your mercy;

That with you as our ruler and guide we may so pass through things temporal

That we not lose our hold on things eternal;

Grant this, heavenly Father,

For our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Tuesday 7th July | Alicia Barwick


Sunday 5th July | Richard Barber