Tuesday 7th July | Alicia Barwick


Psalm 87

Psalm 89:1-18

Judges 14

Luke 18:1-14


Over the last few months, there have been moments where I’ve been made aware of my brokenness. During lockdown we have all been forced on some level to stop, whether it’s stopping work or stopping physical contact with other people, we can all say we recognise a change of speed in our own lives. Slowing down has made me much more aware of the things I say, the mistakes I make, what I consume my time with and not only that, but this time has also made me even more aware of God and who he is. In Luke 14 the Pharisees are referring to robbers, evildoers etc and I find that still in our society today it is the same people who are looked down on, treated differently or ignored. We see the Pharisees thanking God that they aren’t like other people (v11) they are too busy looking at what's going on around them that they haven’t caught on to the fact that they too are broken and I believe this message is just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. We can see if you continue through Luke 14 that the tax collector says ‘God, have mercy on me, I am a sinner’ and Jesus responds to this man by saying ‘those who humble themselves will be exalted. I believe in this time, we have an opportunity for God to search our hearts, for us to see our own brokenness and come to Jesus knowing we need him. Coming before him with no altera motive or agenda and ask him to  change us from the inside out. Let us not get caught in the worldly wisdom that we are better than others, or that others deserve less than us, let us come humbly before our Lord knowing he is perfect, we are broken and we desperately need a Saviour.


Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving me, thank you that in you is everything I need.

I am sorry for the areas in my life that do not glorify you, for the mistakes I make.

Lord Jesus would you forgive me and renew a right spirit within me.

I acknowledge today my own brokenness and turn to you.

Help me to look more like you and love like you do.



O God, the protector of all who trust in you,

Without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy:

Increase and multiply upon us your mercy;

That with you as our ruler and guide we may so pass through things temporal

That we not lose our hold on things eternal;

Grant this, heavenly Father,

For our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever. 


Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Wednesday 8th July | Margaret Proud


Monday 6th July | Anna Rowlands