Day 46

Paul in prison. Page 500. Acts 16.

Paul travelled around telling people about Jesus. Read the story of Paul and Silas in prison.

Have you ever felt the earth move like an earthquake? Imagine how it felt! Maybe you could make Paul and Silas in prison out of lego or duplo, then make the earth rumble like an earthquake.

Whilst in prison, Paul and Silas sang songs of praise to God. Even though they were in a bad and scary place, they knew God would take care of them so they praised Him. What do you do when you are in a scary situation?

Try praising and praying, asking God to comfort you.

Pray for people around our world who are living in scary situations. Those affected by poverty, natural disaster or war. 

Draw some prison bars on a leaf to hang on your prayer tree.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Day 45


Day 47