Day 42

Jesus is Alive! Page 453. Mark 16.

Yesterday was a sad day, but that wasn’t the end of the story! Read about Jesus’ resurrection together. If there was ever a cause to celebrate, this is it! Death has not won, Jesus is alive again!

Prep a tomb made from either a plant pot, bucket, basket or similar. Put a lit torch inside and cover with a big stone. You may also need to cover it with a blanket to block any light! Allow your children to come to the tomb and open it up! They would be expecting to find Jesus there but instead there is just a bright light. Jesus is alive and the light of the world!

A crucial part of the story is Jesus’ command to “go and tell others”. Challenge yourself to do this today! Could you record a video to tell a friend or family member what you’ve learnt about Jesus? Or you could do a big piece of artwork to go in your window for neighbours to see.

Draw an empty tomb on a leaf to hang on your prayer tree.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Day 41


Day 43