Day 41

Jesus is crucified. Page 446. Luke 22 - 23.

If you are going to teach your children any story from the Bible, this is the one! It’s tempting to mask or hide this story from children, but Jesus’ death is crucial to the understanding of the gospel. The greatest thing you can teach children is that Jesus died for them because he loved them so much.

Read the story of the crucifixion together. How does it make you feel reading this? Why did Jesus have to die on a cross? Jesus never did anything bad, but we did and we still do. Jesus had to die to pay the price for all the bad and sad things in the world.

After Adam and Eve left God’s perfect garden, they weren’t allowed back in because nothing bad can be in God’s presence. Jesus loves us so much that he died to allow us to be free to be with God again.

If you need a visual example, put a line of masking tape on the floor, representing sin. You stand one side of the line and God is at the other. You can’t cross the line to God because of your sin. Rip away the tape to signify what happened when Jesus died. We are free to be with God again!

Put on a piece of calming music (highly recommend O My Father by Will and Mim Johnson) and allow some space for this big message to sink in. Maybe you could draw or make a cross whilst you reflect. Wrap some twigs in wool and bind them together. Say thank you to Jesus for the huge price he paid for us.

Draw a cross on a leaf to hang on your prayer tree.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Day 40


Day 42