Day 19
Jonah and the big fish. Page 257. Jonah 1 - 3.
Read the story of Jonah together. Can you imagine being stuck in a whale? Use bed sheets or blankets to make a huge whale for you to crawl inside. You could make some little fish to take inside with you too.
Talk together about how Jonah must have felt and what we can learn from the story. If God has asked us to do something, we must listen and obey. Is there anything God is asking you to do right now?
When you come out of your whale, mimic being spat out and then encourage each other to go and get started on the things God has asked you to do. This might be something specific, or it could be something broader like “God is asking me to be more kind, so now I have been spat out I will start doing that!”.
Draw a big fish on a leaf to hang on your prayer tree.