Day 9
A Baby in a Basket. Page 92. Exodus 1-2.
Read the story of baby Moses together.
Make a river out of strips of blue tissue paper.
Use a bun case and put a jelly baby (or draw a baby) inside to symbolise baby Moses. Act out the story! Use Duplo people or similar as the characters of Jochebed, Miriam and the Pharaoh's daughter.
Which babies do you know in your life? Perhaps you know a baby being born soon.
Pray for them and send them a message to say you are thinking of them. Do you know any charities who support vulnerable families and babies? (We prayed for Bundles of Joy but there may be something similar in your area.)
You could discuss as a family if there is anything you can do to support these charities. I.e. do a collection, or sort out some of your toys to donate.
Draw a baby on a leaf to add to your prayer tree.