Tuesday 10th November

This week we’ve come back to the section of Matthew’s record of Jesus’ last few days. Jesus has been telling His disciples what it will be like to live in the time between Him going into heaven (after rising from death) and returning to the world for the second time. He tells this story about another wedding feast. It’s full of special lessons for the tricky times we’re going through. In the story, the guests have all come to the wedding. The groom has gone to collect his bride from her house, then take her in a joyful procession through the town and bring her to his own home where the wedding party will be. His closest friends have gone with him, while his bride’s closest friends (the young women in the story) are waiting to welcome them back. And they are running a bit late!

Read through the passage.

What stood out for you either from reading the passage or from Ben’s talk on Sunday?

What does the passage tell us about…

… the bridegroom (and the wedding procession)?

  • What does this passage tell us about Jesus’ relationship with believers now?

  • What does it tell us about His plans for believers?

…the wise young women?

  • Who do these wise young women represent in the story?

  • In what way were they wise (clue: Galatians 5:22-23)?

  • What does it mean to have oil for your lamp (and how do you keep it filled)?

…the foolish young women?

  • Who do you think Jesus was referring to as foolish young women?

  • What were consequences for the foolish young women - and why?

Discuss how you think Jesus wanted His disciples (and us) to think and feel in response to this story.

In particular…

  • How do you feel about Jesus’ telling us He’s coming back?

  • What effect does this (should this?) have on:

    • Your relationship with Jesus?

    • The way you live publicly in your home / community / residence / flat / work / University…?

(clue: Revelation 22:20-21)

Pray together.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Tuesday 17th November


Tuesday 3rd November