Tuesday 3rd November
The Israelite elders, priests, royal family, artisans and craftsmen, and many of the prophets (the guardians of the Israelite culture and beliefs) had been taken into exile in Babylon. They were in a strange land with strange customs and culture and gods. They were feeling lost and frightened and desperate to hear that God was going to bring them home soon (see Psalm 137).
At the moment we’re also in a very strange situation that is a huge challenge to what we feel is normal. We’re going to explore how God is speaking into our situation through this passage in Jeremiah so with each set of questions keep relating it back to your experience.
(If you weren’t able to join us on Sunday, and have time, try to listen to the message that Ben shared with us by way of preparation.)
Read through the passage.
What are the things that stand out for you either from reading the passage or from Ben’s talk on Sunday?
Spend some time imagining how the Israelites in captivity felt about their situation.
In what ways does our situation feel a bit like the situation they found themselves in?
What does God tell them about His involvement in their capture and exile?
What are the implications of this for:
Their longing to be back in the land of Israel?
The way they think about and behave towards the place they find themselves?
The way they see themselves (and the ‘false prophets’)?
What God promises to do in response?
If you have time you may enjoy exploring what God means by ‘peace and prosperity’.
There are also some great clues on things to focus on in ‘exile’ (a time of separation and waiting) in Daniel, chapters 1:8-21; 3:8-12; 6:10.
In what ways did Jesus demonstrate how to go about this way of living? (Clue - Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 22:41-46; Hebrews 12:1-3)
Share what you think God may be saying to you through this passage in Jeremiah and think about what He’s calling you to do and how you can support each other to respond.
Pray together.