Tuesday 27th October

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day are still looking for ways to catch him out. The main groups (Pharisees and Sadducees) have each already had a go, testing Jesus on money and relationships, and been shown up. The Pharisees have one more attempt around religious achievement. They love the Law (the first 5 books of the Bible that describe God’s self-revelation and intended relationship with us), and they rely on their ability to achieve what the Law demands, to feel good about themselves. So they test Jesus on this.

Read the passage.

What are the things that stand out for you either from reading the passage or from Sunday’s talk in church?

How did the Pharisees understand the Old Testament Law?

  • What did they think was the purpose of the Law? (clue: Deuteronomy 6:8 & 11:18)

  • What is the effect of their way of thinking and orientating their lives on how they see themselves and other people?

Share how this can make you feel.

How did Jesus challenge this view? (clue: John 5:39-40)

  • What’s the difference when we realise that the Law is about how we spend our salvation not how we earn it? (clue: Galatians 3:10)

  • What does it mean to flourish in God’s self-revelation and in relationship with Him?

What’s the impact of understanding how God sees human flourishing on …

  • … our priorities and goals, and how we spend our time?

  • … our relationships?

  • … our studies or our job?

  • … how we go about ‘loving our neighbour’?

Jesus goes on to talk about what the Jewish scriptures say about the coming Messiah (verses 41-43). This is a complicated passage.

What do you think Jesus is challenging the Pharisees to understand through this prophecy of David?

What are the implications of this challenge for how you see yourself and what you offer to your family, friends, and workmates?

Pray together.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Tuesday 3rd November


Tuesday 13th October