Tuesday 27th April

1 John: Building Community

Week 2 - Anointed Community

Opening Prayer & Discussion

Almighty God, we thank you that in Christ

we have been brought from death to life,

and that this life is in community with one another.

As in your Son we are forgiven and anointed,

so through your Spirit may we become loving and faithful.

Heavenly Father, may it please you to accomplish this in our lives.


Share what you found helpful from the sermon on Sunday, and any questions or thoughts that it raised.

Bible Study

Read 1 John 2:18-27

  1. What does verse 19 tell us about what is going on in the community John is writing to?

  2. This church was being buffeted by the winds of popular teaching. Do we see this the wider today? How do we know what is true?

  3. What do you sometimes find it tempting to doubt or ignore in the bible for fear how it will be received by the culture that we're in?

  4. What is your context - be it a workplace, friendship group, uni course, family situation, or relationship - where you need to know afresh the gift of the Holy Spirit to remain true to faith in Christ?

Prayer & Community

Pray for each other - particularly for anything that comes out of the discussion.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Tuesday 4th May


Tuesday 20th April