Tuesday 2nd March

Spiritual Disciplines

Week 2 - Giving [Pt. 1]

Opening discussion about the practice

You can find all the information about the practice, and loads of resources relating to the sermon series at stthomas.church/disciplines.

What was the key point you took away from the talk on Sunday?

How did you find the practice this week?

  • Do you normally have a set budget?

  • Is giving normally part of a formal or informal budget?

The two questions we used to reflect on our budgets were:

  1. What does how I spend my money say about my life priorities?

  2. Am I fearful about money? How might God minister to that through His Holy Spirit?

Did you feel God was speaking to you in any way about your life through the sermon, the practice, or the questions above?

This may be as far as your group gets. If so, that's fine!

Bible Study

Read Mark 12:41-44 together.

What would have been the social standing of the widow in Jesus' social context? What would have been the social standing of the rich in Jesus' social context?

Why does Jesus contrast this woman with the rich givers?

The final line tells us that she gave 'all she had to live on', or more literally she 'gave her whole life.' This points to Jesus on the cross. But how should that affect the way we understand our money?

Does this story apply to giving other things (eg, time, prayer, acts of service) or is it just about money?

Prayer & community

Is there anything you'd like prayer for around money? 

E.g. financial provision, help to hold money less tightly, difficulty trusting in God for provision?

Closing prayer

Almighty God, 

you have given your only Son to be for us both a sacrifice for sin 

and also an example of godly life: 

give us grace 

that we may always most thankfully receive these his inestimable gifts, 

and also daily endeavour 

to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Tuesday 9th March


Tuesday 23rd February