Tuesday 8th June
Freedom Sunday
Opening Prayer & Discussion
What has most informed your thinking about injustice?
Bible Study
Read Isaiah 6:11-6 & Luke 4:16-21
What do we learn in v1-3 of Isaiah 61 about how God views different types of injustice?
What is significant about the way that Jesus teaches about the Isaiah 61 passage in Luke 4?
There are two types of restored relationship seen in Isaiah 61: between people and people (v1-5), and between people and God (v6). Are the two connected? If so, how?
How do you feel challenged by these passages to live a life shaped by biblical justice?
Prayer & Community
Some areas that you might want to pray for:
The work of IJM and an end to slavery
Climate injustice that often affects the poorest in the world
Abuse of ethnic and religious minority groups
For the end to injustice against children, born and unborn
A prayer for an end to injustice
Almighty God, Creator of the universe,
I feel hopeless in the face of our world’s suffering;
yet I offer back to you the only thing I can –
my ordinary, everyday life.
I ask you to take it into your hands
that it may be used to bring even a flicker
of justice in your world: a candle for peace.
And not just today, Lord,
but through the coming days
as I move in your Spirit of love.