Sunday 9th August
Matthew 14:22-33 - Jesus walks on water
Just for fun
Play follow the Leader: clap, hop, turn around, put arms up, sit down, hands on hips. Discuss what it means to follow a leader and be a disciple.
Activity for Everyone
You’ll need a random collection of items you don’t mind getting wet and a bucket filled with water.
Put the bucket of water on the table and talk with the children about the items you have to put in the water. You can get them to vote, as each item is put into the bucket of water, if it will float or sink. Have the children take turns putting the items into the water to see if they will float. Ask them if we can float on the water (on our backs?) What about walking on water? Can we do it? Why or why not? Jesus walked on water; He didn’t float on water (but that’s the closest thing we can emulate).
A game for the family
You’ll need a picture of Jesus (or a drawing), an empty bucket, larger spoon & plastic eggs (or small objects that fit on the spoon).
Step One: Tape the picture of Jesus to the wall and place the empty bucket underneath it.
Step Two: From the other side of the room (or garden) have a child place the egg on the spoon and walk over to place it in the bucket without dropping it.
Step Three: However they have to keep their eyes on Jesus the whole time! If they take their eyes of Jesus they have to start again.
Questions to talk through together
What is a miracle?
What does it mean to have faith?
What feeling made Peter sink?
Does God ask us to do things without giving us the means to do them?
Who should we trust to help us do what Jesus taught
A short prayer
Dear God, Thank you that we can put our trust in you. Help us to remember your miracles and give us the faith to believe in miracles to happen today. Sorry for the times we forget how great your love for us is and we try to make decisions without you. Amen