Day 25

Jesus Teaches on a Mountain. Page 318. Matthew 5. 

Jesus’ teaching is something we all need to hear over and over again…you are much more important than birds and flowers. If God takes care of them, He will take care of you. So do not worry.

Look together out the windows, or on a walk, to spot birds and flowers. Take a magnifying glass, or take pictures on a camera or phone. Explore how intricately they are made. God knows every tiny detail about these birds and flowers, and He knows every detail about you too. 

Sometimes it is easy to say “don’t worry” but harder to act on it. Make a worry flower, writing things that worry you on each petal. Pray together about these worries thank God that he cares about these worries like he cares about the birds and the flowers.

Say thank you that Jesus is such a wonderful teacher and pray for the teachers in your life, at school or nursery and at church. 

Draw a bird and a flower on a leaf to hang on your prayer tree.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Day 24


Day 26