Day 24
Jesus’ First Miracle. Page 314. John 2.
Read the story of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding.Find yourself a jug of water and 6 cups on a tray.
Leave some of the cups empty and in others but a small amount of juice or cordial in the bottom. It works best if the cups are opaque, and you don’t show the children the cordial first!
Read through the story again and use the water and cups as an illustration. First let your children taste the plain water. Once you’ve poured the water into the cups with the cordial in, let them taste and see how it has changed into wine!!
The toddlers might think it's a real miracle...the older ones might take a little more convincing!
Have you seen or heard of any miracles in recent times? Pray that we might see more.
Draw a wine glass on a leaf to hang on your prayer tree.