Day 7

Jacob’s Blessing. Page 58. Genesis 27.

Read the story of Isaac and his two sons Jacob and Esau. This is a great story to act out using some really simple props - a scarf, a pair of adult gloves and some sort of ‘treasure’ like a chocolate coin. Blindfold someone pretending to be Isaac to signify his blindness. The chocolate coin symbolises Isaac’s blessing.

Two other people pretend to be Jacob and Esau, using the adult gloves as the ‘hairy arms’ of Esau. Improvise by reading through the Bible story as your guide. The chocolate coin is intended to be given to Esau but Jacob tricks Isaac in order to get the blessing.

This may be a little messy, but just go with it - your kids will remember the fun of the ‘hairy arms’!

Discuss as a family whether you have ever had anything important taken away from you? Perhaps you are feeling a little of this in today's climate. Pray for each other and lift these feelings to God together. Draw Esau’s hairy arm on a leaf to hang on your prayer tree.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Day 6


Day 8