Day 6

Abraham and Sarah. Page 46. Genesis 18; 21. 

Read the story of Abraham and Sarah, and the miracle of their baby Isaac. The name Isaac means laughter. God is a God of joy, and he likes laughter too!

Tell some jokes to make each other laugh. Our current favourites are:

“Why does a giraffe have a long neck? Because he has stinky feet!”

“Why did the astronaut move house? Because she needed more space!”

There are lots of other little games which can result in belly laughs too. Try “whatever you do, don’t smile” (just keep saying it whilst the other person tries to keep a straight face). Praise God that He is with you in the good times, and the bad.

Challenge for today - everytime someone laughs, ask them whose name means laughter (Isaac) as a reminder of today’s Bible story. 

Draw Sarah’s laughing face on a leaf to hang on your prayer tree.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England

Day 5


Day 7