Tuesday 16th March

Spiritual Disciplines

Week 4 - Giving

Luke 12:13-21

Opening discussion about the practice

You can find all the information about the practice, and loads of resources relating to the sermon series at stthomas.church/disciplines.

How did you find the talk on Sunday?

The practice this week was to reflect on what God is saying to you about your giving. Did you sense God saying anything? What are you going to do in response to what you've heard God say?

This may be as far as your group gets. If so, that's fine! 

Bible Study

Read Luke 12:13-21 together.

What is the social context of this story? Why is the man asking this question to Jesus, and what does that say about his approach to money? (v13)

What is Jesus' approach to money that he demonstrates in the parable?

What have you learnt from the Bible's approach to money (in the last few weeks, or over your lifetime as a disciple of Jesus)? What do you still find difficult?

Prayer & Community

Pray for each other to learn from scripture, and from each other, the good things that Jesus is teaching about money.

Ask if anyone would like to be held accountable for anything to do with money. Eg: committing to start giving, increase giving, stopping overspending, choosing to approach money with freedom and joy rather than fear, etc.

Closing Prayer

Almighty God, 

in Christ you make all things new: 

transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace, 

and in the renewal of our lives 

make known your heavenly glory;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 

one God, now and for ever.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Tuesday 23rd March


Tuesday 9th March