Tuesday 18th May

Ascension Sunday

Opening Prayer & Discussion

Opening prayer: for our hearts to be open and responsive to God's word & work in our lives as we look at the doctrine of the ascension.

Recap the sermon: what did Ben say the ascension was?

Bible Study

Read Luke 24:36-53.

  1. Jesus greets his disciples with the words: "Peace be with you". Why is this significant to the disciples at this point in the story?

  2. Jesus is very insistent about his physical body - he's not just a ghost! Why is this important?

  3. Christianity is an embodied faith: our physical bodies matter - God took on a physical body in Jesus Christ, as was physically resurrected! How does this change the way that we live our lives?

  4. In v51 Jesus is taken up to heaven. Read Romans 8:34 together. Where do you need to know the power of God & help of Jesus in your life this week?

Prayer & Community

Pray for each other - particularly for any points of prayer that emerge from q. 3 + 4. You may wish to end with this prayer:

Grant, we pray, almighty God,

that as we believe your only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens,

so we in heart and mind may also ascend

and with him continually dwell;

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.

Luke Porter

Freelance graphic designer based in York, England


Tuesday 1st June


Tuesday 11th May